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Venice Photo Tours

When I started Shooting Different-Venice Photo Tours my aim was to let discover to my clients Venice during the night, when it's more fascinating and intriguing, to give them also the chance to enhance their photographic technique in complicated light conditions. I always provided the "early morning option" but nobody booked it before...till last Sunday, when Thu asked me for a tour with the lights of the sunrise in order to enjoy the quiet of Venice and its main spots when the city is waking up.
I just can thank Thu for her choice (even if she has been forced to do it because of her flight delay!) because that morning was simply perfect an incredibly peaceful and once more I had the chance to appreciate an love my city more..also probably because everybody was sleeping before to go out to ruin everything screaming uselessly as usual.
Venice Photo Tours

Venice Photo Tours

The tour was beautiful and Thu was an amazing and passionate guest and I hope to find many other nice and kind clients like her! So what are you waiting for? Do you wanna learn something more about photography in an amazing and perfect context? Are you an expert that need new pictures in impossible spots to find in unknown areas with the best atmosphere ever?
Book you Venice Photo Tour and discover the real unusual city only like a local can do.
Don't care about photography but just about Venice an its curiosities and particular vibes through the eye of a local? no problem, book a classic Venice Tour  and learn how to behave like a good one of us!

